My designs and my business is based on creativity, an understanding of each client's needs and a great sense of responsibility for the craftsmanship. Timeless elegance and beautiful silhouettes is the characteristics of my creations.
Together with the client I create handmade haute couture - a creation that is unique and with a personal touch that enhances each client's beauty. My dresses must bring an unique feeling of happiness and beaty - that's the magic I try to bring out in all my designs. I primarily work from a classic designtradition with threads back to fashion's masters such as Christian Dior, Cristobal Balenciaga and Madeleine Vionnet. To this I add a classic and modern twist and an understated elegance, with refinement and sophisticatet craftsmanship .
I also have this approach in my choice of materials - I especially prefer matte silk and delicate colorshades like nude and pastels mixed with lace to create power or structure.
Only the best is good enough, so it is absolutely crucial that I have a strong team behind me so I can provide a very high quality and service.
Tradition and perfection above all - I stick to the classic crafttraditions by producing handmade creations tailored to the individual customer's needs.
Jesper Høvring Fashion Collections |
Jesper Høvring Fashion Collections